曲阜歷史悠久,,早在五六千年前,我們的祖先就在這里繁衍生息,,創(chuàng)造了人類早期的文明,。不少古籍中,,還有炎帝、少吳徙都于曲阜,,黃帝生于壽丘(曲阜城東8里處),,舜于壽丘作什器的記載??梢?,中國遠古時代最有影響的三皇五帝中就有四人在曲阜留下了蹤跡。盡管這是傳說,,但也并不是毫無根據(jù)的,。從境內(nèi)保存下來的 20余處大汶口文化和龍山文化遺址中仍可見到我們的祖先征服自然的遺跡。
“曲阜”一名最早見于禮記>>,。東漢應(yīng)劭解釋說:“魯城東有阜,,委曲長七八里,故名曲阜,?!鄙檀捌冢访?,是商王朝的重要屬國,。周代自“封周公于曲阜”800余年,曲阜為魯國都城,,是當時我國一個重要的政治,、經(jīng)濟、文化中心,。春秋時期,,孔子首創(chuàng)私人講學(xué)之風,“弟子三千,,賢者七十有二”遍及全國各地,,又成了當時的教育中心。魯國是曲阜歷史上的黃金時期,,以“禮儀之邦”著稱于世,,故山東省現(xiàn)仍沿用“魯”作為簡稱。公元前 249年,,楚滅魯,,置魯縣,秦代屬薛郡,,西漢時為魯國都,,魏晉南北朝時為魯郡治。隋開皇十六年(596年),,首定曲阜為縣名,。宋代改稱仙源縣,,金代恢復(fù)曲阜縣名至今。
1986年撤縣制,,始稱曲阜市?,F(xiàn)面積為890平方公里,人口60余萬,。悠久的歷史,,燦爛的文化,給曲阜留下了大量的文物古跡,,主要的有110余處,,其中孔廟、孔府,、孔林及魯國故城遺址被列為全國首批公布的重點文物保護單位,,另有11處列為全省重要文物保護單位?!叭住边€于1994年被聯(lián)合國列為世界文化遺產(chǎn),。 新中國建立后,特別是黨的十一屆三中全會以來,,黨和國家領(lǐng)導(dǎo)人對曲阜的文物古跡十分關(guān)注,,國家先后撥款3000多萬元對“三孔”進行了全面修茸。近年來,,為了大力發(fā)展旅游事業(yè),,曲阜又相繼開發(fā)建設(shè)了孔子六藝城、論語碑苑,、魯國盛世華夏文化城等一批新的旅游景點,,形成人文與自然景觀,新老景點渾然一體,,相映生輝的旅游資源新格局,,成為中外游人向往的文化旅游勝地。 孔廟的第一座石坊叫“金聲玉振坊”,。孟子對孔子曾有過這樣的評價,,他說:“孔子之謂集大成,集大成者,,金聲而玉振之也”,。“金聲,、玉振”表示奏樂的全過程,,以擊鐘開始,以擊磐告終,比喻孔子的思想集古圣先賢之大成,。石坊上面蓮花寶座上各刻有一個獨角怪獸稱“辟邪”,,也叫“朝天吼”,這是封建社會王爵府第才可使用的飾物,。
這塊碑立于明成化四年(1468年),因此也叫“成化碑”,,它為明憲宗朱見深所立,,碑高6米,寬2米多,。這塊碑的特點是書法精湛,,著稱于世,并且碑文用論辯形式寫成,,在極力推崇孔子方面,,可以說是之最。大家請看右上角,,那上面寫道:“聯(lián)惟孔子之道,,有天下者一日不可無焉”,又說:“孔子之道在天下,,如布帛粟菽,,民生日用不可暫缺”。這碑下面的動物不是烏龜,,叫,,是龍的兒子,,特別能負重,所以用來馱碑,,有句話講“龍生九子不成龍”,,在孔廟內(nèi),龍和龍的9個兒子,,你都可以看到,,當?shù)氐睦习傩粘磉@里撫摸這,他們說:“摸摸的頭,,一輩子不犯愁,,摸摸的腚,一輩子不生病”,。 我們面前的這座木結(jié)構(gòu)建筑名叫“奎文閣”,原是孔廟的藏書樓,?!翱恰睘槎诵撬拗唬行鞘w,,“屈曲相鉤,,似文字之畫”,后來人們把它演化為文官之首,,封建帝王把孔子比作天上的奎星,,所以孔子又稱“歷代文官主”。這座樓閣高23.35米,,闊30.1米,,深17.62米,三重飛檐,,四層斗拱,,構(gòu)造堅固而且合理,康熙年間曲阜曾有過一次大地震,,“人間房屋傾者九,,存者一”,而奎文閣卻傲然屹立,,安然無恙,,由此可見我國古代勞動人民的聰明智慧和高超的建筑藝術(shù)。
我們現(xiàn)在的位置是孔廟東路,這里當年為孔子故宅,,這口水井為“孔子故宅井”,,是當年孔子飲水之井,后人稱為“圣水”,。亭內(nèi)的碑有乾隆“飲水拜師”和“故宅井贊”,,乾隆8次來曲阜,竟有他5次題字,。后面這座紅色墻壁叫“魯壁”,,在秦始皇焚書坑儒時,孔子9世孫孔鮒把<<論語>>等經(jīng)典藏在此壁內(nèi),,墻壁倒塌后被人發(fā)現(xiàn),,孔子經(jīng)典方才留傳于世。 這座殿堂叫“詩禮堂”,,是當年孔子教兒子學(xué)詩學(xué)禮的地方,,堂前有兩棵宋代銀杏樹,當初孔府曾用這棵樹的果實做菜,,名叫“詩禮銀杏”大家在品嘗孔府菜時,,千萬不要忘了點這道菜,因為此菜的出處就在這個地方,。
前堂樓是七間二層樓閣,,富麗堂皇,室內(nèi)陳設(shè)布置,,全為當年原貌,,內(nèi)有珍奇書畫墨寶、古玩衣冠,,里套間為孔子后代孔令貽夫人陶氏臥室,,這是孔德成先生的生母,至今尚有她的照片,,她原是孔府丫環(huán),,后被納妾,生下孔德成,,但被陶氏害死,。西套間是孔令貽另一夫人豐氏的臥室,此人一生無聲無息,,27歲就死去了,。 這個院子是后堂樓,各有配樓三間,,后堂樓是孔德成先生當年結(jié)婚的地方,,堂中陳列著當年結(jié)婚的用品和名人贈送的禮品和題字??椎鲁山Y(jié)婚時,,正值西安事變期間,本來蔣介石先生要親自參加婚禮,,但遭到抗日將領(lǐng)張學(xué)良,、楊虎成的逮捕,自然,,他也就不能參加這最后一代衍圣公的隆重婚禮了,。
各位朋友,,剛才我們看了祭祀孔子的廟宇,,看了孔子后代居住的府第孔府,下邊我們參觀埋葬孔子以及孔子后代的基地孔林,。 孔 林 孔林,,是孔子及其家庭的專用墓地,也是世界上延時最久,、規(guī)模最大的家庭墓地,,位于曲阜城北泗水之上,占地三千余畝,,周圍垣墻高3米,,厚1.5米,長 14.5華里,。在這里既可考春秋之葬,,證秦漢之墓,,又可研究我國歷代政治、經(jīng)濟,、文化的發(fā)展和喪葬風俗的演變歷史,。孔林也是目前我國最大的人造園林,。相傳孔子死后,,“弟子各以四方奇木來植,故多異樹”,。林內(nèi)有各種樹木10萬多株,,數(shù)百種植物。在萬木掩映之中,,碑石林立,,石像成群,除一批著名的漢碑移入孔廟保護外,,林內(nèi)尚有唐,、宋、金,、元,、明、清各代石碑3600多塊,,又稱得上名副其實的碑林,。過去墓地的“風水”,被孔子的后代視作“命根子”,。例如,,清光緒三十年(1920xx年),勘測津浦鐵路時,,原計劃經(jīng)過曲阜,,離孔林西墻很近。當時的衍圣公孔令貽得此消息十分著急,,向朝廷連遞幾件呈文,,說鐵路將“震動圣墓”,“破壞圣脈”,,使祖宗靈魂不得安寧,。結(jié)果鐵路到曲阜拐了個大彎,向西南繞行,。如果沒有這檔子事,,現(xiàn)在人們坐火車到曲阜游覽,就不用先到兗州下車,,然后改乘汽車了,。 大門孔林大門始建于明代,,清代重修
。進入孔林大門是一條長約1華里的甬道,,迎面高大的門樓叫“觀樓”,,俗稱“二林門”。此門原是古魯國城北門,。大門到二門這一段,,是孔林前突出的部分,,類似古代城市建筑的月城,。 孔尚任墓位于孔林東北隅,,墓碑上書“奉直大夫戶部廣東清吏司員外郎東塘先生之墓”,,即是孔尚任墓,??咨腥?1648--1720xx年),,字聘之,號東塘,,自稱云亭山人,,是孔子第六十四代孫,,我國清初著名劇作家,其代表作是桃花扇>>,。他出生書香門弟,,因?qū)以嚥坏冢心觌[居曲阜石門山,??滴醵?1684年),康熙皇帝來曲阜祭孔時,他被孔府推薦為引駕官,,并給皇帝講經(jīng),,深得褒獎,,破格提升為國子監(jiān)博士,。赴京任職期間曾到淮楊一帶治河,,通過吊古跡,訪隱士,搜集野史逸聞,對南明王朝的覆滅經(jīng)過有了深切的感受?;鼐┖笤螒舨恐魇?,員外郎等職。
公余致力于戲曲創(chuàng)作,。1699年,,昆曲名劇桃花扇>>傳奇脫稿,。王公顯貴爭相傳抄,,戲班競相演唱,,一時轟動京城,。該劇以名士候方域與名妓李香君的愛情故事為主線,廣泛而深刻地反映了南明王朝滅亡的歷史,。次年孔尚任卻被罷官回鄉(xiāng),,死后葬于此。他一生著述甚豐,,另有詩文《石門山集》,、《湖海集》、《岸堂文集》等,。 于氏坊位于孔林北側(cè),,是孔子七十二代孫、衍圣公孔憲培與其妻于氏之墓,。于氏原是清乾隆皇帝的女兒,,那么為什么改姓于又嫁到孔府的呢?這里還有段小故事。據(jù)說乾隆的女兒臉上有塊黑痣,,相術(shù)說,,這塊痣主災(zāi),破災(zāi)的唯一辦法是將她嫁給一個有福的人,。朝里大臣們議論,,天下只有孔圣人的后代最有福,。但是當時是滿族統(tǒng)治,按規(guī)定滿漢不能通婚,。于是有人給皇帝出主意將女兒認漢族大臣,、戶部尚書于敏忠為義父,這樣以于家的名義嫁到孔府,。于氏死后,,孔府為其立了這座“鸞音褒德”牌坊。 洙水橋孔林二門內(nèi)有一條東西橫穿的小河,,名曰:“洙水河”,,因流經(jīng)孔子墓前,與“圣脈”攸關(guān),,故被后世譽為“靈源無窮,,宜與天地共長久”的“圣水”。
洙水本是古代的一條河流,,與泗水并稱為“洙泗”,,后來成為孟子發(fā)祥地的代稱。古洙水早已湮沒,。河上有橋三座,,左右皆為平橋,中間的一座拱橋在孔子墓前,,名曰:“洙水橋”,。 孔子墓甬道洙水橋北迎面綠瓦三楹的高臺大門,叫“檔墓門”,。過此門即是孔子墓甬道,。甬道有四對巨型石雕,名曰:華表,、文豹,、角端、翁仲,。華表又稱“望柱”,,是進“天門”的標志。文豹形象似豹,,腋下噴火,,溫順善良。角端傳說日行一萬八千里,,通四方語言,明外方幽遠之事,。文豹,、角端都是想象中的怪獸,。翁仲,傳說為秦代驍將,,威震邊塞,,后為對稱,雕文,、武兩像,,用以守墓。甬道盡頭大殿是祭祀孔子設(shè)香壇的享殿,。解放戰(zhàn)爭時,,朱德總司令曾在此召開過軍事會議,所以又成為革命歷史文物,。 孔子墓享殿之后紅色的墻院內(nèi)就是孔子及其兒,、孫三代的墓地。
孔子墓似一隆起的馬背,,稱“馬鬣封”,,是一種特殊尊貴的筑墓形式。墓前石碑篆刻“大成至圣文宣王墓” 是明正統(tǒng)八年(1443年)黃養(yǎng)正書,??鬃佑诠?79年去世,當時魯國國君稱他為“尼父”,。這是有別于封號的最尊貴的稱號,。孔子有封號始于公元元年,,漢平帝追封孔子為公爵,,稱“褒成宣尼公”。此后帝王紛紛給孔子封號,,至唐開元二十七年(739年)唐玄宗李隆基給孔子謚號“文宣”,,始稱“文宣王”。到元武帝于大德十一年(1020xx年)加封為“大成至圣文宣王”后又稱“至圣先師”,、“大成至圣先師”等等,。歷代王朝都為孔子的封號選擇了最高的贊譽之詞,可見孔子思想學(xué)說,,對歷代統(tǒng)治是何等重要,。
孔子墓東為其子孔鯉墓,南為其孫孔伋墓,。這種墓葬布局為“攜子抱孫”以示人衍興旺,。 孔鯉墓 孔子的兒子孔鯉,一生無大作為,,年50歲先孔子去世,。但因系“圣人”之 子,,故被宋徽宗封為“泗水侯”。 子貢廬墓處孔子墓西三間房屋為子貢廬墓處,。子貢,,復(fù)姓端木,名賜,,字子貢,,是孔子得意門生之一,也是孔子弟子中善于經(jīng)商的學(xué)生,??鬃铀篮螅姷茏訛榭鬃邮啬谷?,相訣而去,,獨子貢在此又守三年。后人為紀念此事,,建屋三間,,立碑一座,題為“子貢廬墓處”,。
孔伋墓孔子的孫子孔(前483--前420xx年),,是我國戰(zhàn)國時期著名的哲學(xué)家和思想家,孔子在世時,,孔伋尚年幼,。孔子死后,,孔伋拜曾子為師,。曾子,姓曾,,名參,,是孔子的得意門生,繼承了孔子學(xué)說的真諦,,并傳授給孔伋,。曾子著有大學(xué)>>等書。據(jù)記載論語> >也是以曾子的教學(xué)講義為藍本,,由他的門人弟子編輯而成,。孔伋潛心研究孔子學(xué)說,,著成中庸>>一書,。孔伋的學(xué)生又把孔子思想學(xué)說傳給孟子,,孟子上承孔子之學(xué),,著成孟子>>一書,。以上論語>>,、大學(xué)>>,、中庸>>、孟子>>古稱“四書”,,是儒學(xué)經(jīng)典著作,。由此可見孔伋是儒家思想學(xué)派承上啟下的關(guān)鍵人物。
day kuang lay behind the surface is after three palace, in the bedroom, width 5, on both sides for the bedroom, among the three, the emperor song zhenzong and few over five years (ad 1012) to seal a letter to the taishan god "day jiren shengdi", after considering the need a queen, to facilitate the same seal a "shu next year", and "her" built the temple, from "concubines", live with living quarters. the feudal rulers in order to achieve the goal of "borrow god daughter", "well-meaning, holding the" true.
days of steles kuang temple on both sides of things, all kinds of stone tablet full of beautiful things in eyes of han stone, taishan ancient steles boutique mostly concentrated in here. these inscriptions almost collection of chinese calligraphy, after jin dynasty "two kings", the song dynasty "four everybody", grass nationalities of, style available; yanliu zhao, style each different, there are seven big fellow tablet "hengfang tablet", "zhang moved tablet"; one of the three largest monument in jin dynasty "lady tablet"; the shape is novel, calligraphy otherness "double beam tablet"; mount tai buddhist name tablet notebook "datang jizhou shenbao temple monument", such as a total of 19 pieces, all has the very high historical value of cultural relics and calligraphy art value.
display of 48 pieces of han stone in the west gallery is since 1960, several cleaning dawenkou and old county east han tomb stone set. the han stone, rich in content, range, some reflect the horses and chariots, travel, dancing to acrobatics and other social life; some describe fairy tales; also has the reflection of historical figures, neat picture design, modelling is vivid, on the carving techniques, the traditional chinese painting line with engraved, embossed with an organic whole, manifests the like forthright grandeur of the plain, characteristic, is the study of ancient chinese culture important materials for art and social life of the eastern han dynasty.
out of the attic, door knob spirit is "opzoon". in the original "bean ling temple", was destroyed by years of the republic of china. in the courtyard, branches, five tall cooper if a kind of dragon pam, legend has it for the first year of emperor in yuan seal (110 bc), when i mount tai has more than two thousand years ago, "opzoon" hence the name.
yuan's north "han pavilion" is 1959 in the house built on the oberoi, bean spirit pavilion built on three layers tall stone stylobate, very spectacular. stylobate wall mosaic qianlong fifty-nine years (ad 1749 years) who taian magistrate of a county scale book by du fu's "hope? gt; > and" qiu xing "and so on famous poems carved. the pavilion looked around the moon and sky cloud, width of otimista chest, dai panoramic view, panoramic view of whole city.
opzoon nosocomial stone tablet line, approximates to 90 pieces. there are descendants of the official script of han dynasty, four sorrow poems's friends "up", have the posterity the seal character of luji "mount tai yin", "mount tai yin" and the song dynasty calligrapher of xie lingyun mifei chen changyan, "the first mountain", ming chongzhen years zuopeixuan topic of "opzoon figure praise", emperor qianlong drive makes the opzoon diagram and contemporary ink many celebrities. place oneself in the forest of steles is like reading a history of china, the benefit of the influence of the nation, will leave every serious watching endless thinking.
by opzoon courtyard to the north, through the quiet little garden into the courtyard of a small and exquisite. this is the place where the ancient imperial sacrifices mount tai when living, because is located within the donghuamen, therefore calls "east the throne". its building for yuan to is seven years (ad 1347), ming said welcome don, qianlong 35 years (1770 years) renamed in the pavilion. east the throne by the great wall flower door, door, door, main hall, and wing, hospital construction, green, quiet quiet and tastefully laid out, give a person the sense with super world white. five main hall high above the stylobate, inside the set for recovery, qing qianlong emperor la people like, pier dragon, dragon, clothes closet, red sandalwood furniture such as a square table and all kinds of marble grain and golden rust ancient ceramic wall hanging and four treasures of the study. the famous "cold jade flower, the", "aloes lion" and "yellow orchid porcelain bottle gourd" twenty-seventh year is qianlong, 36 years worship offerings when tai shan, said tarzan "sanbao town mountain". doors and temple, dressed in ancient costume in the qing dynasty's "guardian", "palace" to the qing court etiquette to greet visitors, make visitors like back to ancient times, to extrapolate.
palace stylobate under a stone, with a glass cover, this is the famous chinese and foreign famous "the father of sharpening" qin sharpening. the taishan burring qin qin shihuang merit inscription engraved letters and qin ii, write to prime minister lisi. his seal script with economical fair instead of minor stroke numerous fat at the time, the handwriting stiffness tall and straight, swept away many fat stay qi, inscriptions, a total of 222 words, gradually disappear, after the ming jiajing years still remaining 29 words, the original made in daiding herself beside the pool, after vicissitudes sink, a few times again, today only 10 residue left word, complete is seven. is a rare treasure, is listed as a national level cultural relics.
out of the bedroom, north of dai last into the yard. something inside two garden all sorts of miniascape of various, within sight of the art to reproduce the taishan one content, fragrant flowers. on the southwest of west tower cast established twelve years (ad 1533), a former level 13, now the only remaining level 3, plain modelling, still do not break the elegant demeanour, and to the southeast of tower confrontation stylobate copper pavilion, also called "jin que", for the whole copper casting, imitation wood, 4.4 meters high, 3.4, ming wanli 43 years (ad 1615) casting in daiding azure clouds temple, built to consecrate jade xia yuan jun. move to the mountain spirit should be between ming dynasty and early qing palace, in dai temple in 1972, is the present domestic only one of the three largest copper pavilion.
"thick door" was the last of the dai temple gate, was rebuilt in 1984. on the door has "looked yuege" three rooms, huang wa ming gallery, andalusite partition board, joan pavilion is like air. standing on the court looked to adai yue high precision, castle peak around the white clouds, green trees and the light smoke, tianmen ladder like flying floating hang them knowing you can't have them.
the thick red doors north behavior way, near the temple street is the starting point of the mountaineering, the gate of mount tai, climbing starting from this, of a politician will see the best scenery in mount taishan, until the "day".
ladies and gentlemen:
now we are going to visit the ancient art museum, dai temple.
dai temple, used to be called "east", also called tai temple, the main realms of the spirit of "mount tai", also is the ancient emperors to taishan i tell the living and held a grand ceremony.
dai temple created a long history, the western han dynasty historical beginning of "namely domain, qin han palace" up. tang opened far thirteen years (ad 725), amended song xiangfu two years (ad 1009) and on a large scale expansion, after the jin, yuan, ming and qing dynasties billiton, gradually formed a large-scale buildings.
dai temple in downtown tai’an city north, just old thai city in the south gate, north daiding the worse on the central axis. north and south 405.7 meters long, 236.7 meters wide, was rectangular, covers an area of 96000 square meters. dai temple architecture, in the form of the vertical and horizontal sides extension in ancient china, the overall layout to the north and the longitudinal axis, spanided into the east, three axis of chinese and western. east before and after the axis opzoon courtyard, east the throne, garden; before and after the west axis have tang huai courtyard, ring wing pavilion court, made yuhua district monastery where; axial qianmen, tianmen, ringha door, day after kuang temple, living quarters, thick door. subject construction of song day kuang temple is located in the latter half of the dai temple in the crests stylobate, other building is located in the center courtyard outside, independent of each other, have immanent connection again. the building layout is according to the needs of religious and miyagi pattern design, formation of partition and bright, primary and secondary order, the unique style of of primitive simplicity, and through the changes of architectural space, in a solemn, solemn and deep, the mutual infiltration of park set each other off becomes an interest, in full. temple towering temple and high into the clouds in the worse, give a person with beautiful feeling of mount tai.
dai temple city high castle built, zhou changsan li, three zhangs, around eight door, to the nankai five, for qianmen, left for the east yi door, then left, yang halls; for west yi door, right and then right name; see the door qingyang door in the name of the east, also called donghuamen; in the name of the element view door to the west, also called xihua gate; north lu pursuit in the name of the door, also called thick door. each gate tower, dai temple in the four corner respectively with xun, gen, dried, publication turrets, the whole building magnificent, majestic, like a seat in the imperial palace of the emperor.
is dai temple, mount tai to the largest concentration of cultural relics. here preserved the imperial sacrifices to full of beautiful things in the history of the phenomena of the god of mount tai, gifts, handicrafts, also has a flashing huaxia civilization guanghua taishan unearthed relics and the revolutionary historical relics, and save a lot of taishan classics and taoism. more precious and 184 pieces of ancient steles and 48 pieces of han stone, become our country the third after xi 'an, qufu the forest of steles.
dai temple, it is a feast for the eyes of classical gardens. a kind of dragon pam spin cooper, cover the ginkgo, exquisite exquisite bonsai, bright flowers, and for the booth of of primitive simplicity and elegant, table, floor, ge added ten thousand kinds of amorous feelings of coquetry. dai temple, the picturesque scenery, attracts many chinese and foreign tourists.
solemn and majestic dai temple, temple, cultural relic. here every building embodies the chinese ancient architectural art style, each piece reflects the civilization development of mount tai. stroll in the art world, lifting eyes, raised his hand and touched the are national treasures, make the viewer power capacity, makes visitors sigh with emotion. wei dai temple, is a fusion architecture, landscape, sculpture, painting and traditional chinese ancient art museum.
now, we went to the place called "remote pavilion" refs. it is located in the middle of tai’an city area, north song tong yin, is located in the dai temple outside the qianmen, vestibular is dai temple, to enter the rudiments of dai temple. whenever the ancient emperors held to taishan fiesta, visits by simple ceremony here first, for taishan the piety of god. therefore, in ancient times is also called "grass and pavilion". ming jiajing thirteen years (ad 1534), shandong lu via become deputy political suggestion, before he left to "remote pavilion", have been extended ever since. remote and tingmen outside the remote and fang is qianlong 35 years (ad 1770) to create, so far intact. otherwise the pole high vertical, about iron lion crouching columns. fang south "double order", the qing guangxu six years (ad 1880) to start building, square assembled, the queen mother pool of water, surrounded by dai temple into the pool. because of pool in the northwest, southeast corner have a stone in and out of the water tap the name. fanaw is tong yin, make the person one gate into thai south of the city is surrounded by mystery, "heaven" solemn atmosphere. pool of the north china plate inscribed with "lue tianchi" four words. in 1992, in the pool with white marble columns, carve patterns or designs on woodwork perimeter of 63 meters, in order to protect the cultural relics. has qing dynasty stone columns in the east and two-way, has "jinan may 30th massacre memorial" on the north and northwest edge with ancient one, legend of the tang dynasty rooted, up to now, branches and leaves bushiness is green and luxuriant.. around double the order for a small square, surrounded by ancient buildings, form a beautiful picture.
remote pavilion for pavilion type compound, 52 meters wide from east to west, north and south 66.2 meters long, with a total area of 3442.4 square meters. main hall 5, built in the center of the courtyard rectangle above the stylobate, 10.8 meters wide, 7.75 meters deep, lao 7.9 meters, five to four column beam, nine ridge eaves jehiel mountain type, huang wa coping. in the qing dynasty ceng sibi xia yuan jun. on both sides of things peidian peidian all intermediate.
remote pavilion is a set of independent buildings, but with the dai temple on the connotation and unified, because of its existence, the dai temple solemn and mysterious atmosphere foil more strong. this is both independent and unified style, not only in the mountains, is rare in existing ancient buildings in china. remote and pavilion in the tang dynasty once called "remote", folk have "to visit mount tai, god worship first remote door ginseng". when you visit the dai temple, also should first start from remote and kiosks.
through the remote pavilion, the "dai fang" of the head is eleven years (ad 1672), shandong province, the qing emperor kangxi originally create day origin. fang 12 meters high, 9.8 meters wide, 3 meters deep, and three to four column type. three lane, heavy beam four-column brick reliefs. circulation before and after the four pillars have eight stone lions on pier, different posture; heavy beam four pillars engraved with "red phoenix in morning chaoyang", "praised", "group of cranes make lotus", "imagination" and so on more than 20 group of auspicious image lifelike birds benevolent and all kinds of flower pattern. the entire shi fang chic modelling, kelou through fine, as in the qing dynasty stone carving art treasures. south lane column with couplets on the both sides of north and south of shi day by "big pole in the day, great body kangsheng everything; the emperor to shock, hesheng zhuo ling town east". north of qing dynasty in shandong to the governor, the ministry of war assistant minister zhao xiangxing problem "for the system of yue, the nations in the pursuit of wei de he keshang; mixed group of spirit of regent, kyushu on roaming on work which is in beijing?" . two deputy couplet gripping, synthetic-aperture, puts tarzan's lofty status and prominent map made high-level overview of god in mount taishan, make a person not into dai and admiration of love.
the dai temple, see toward the tall broad "qianmen", is the main entrance into the dai temple, two big red door, is a symbol of the dignity of the dai temple, ancient times can only from the door into the emperor. the years cuo tuo, to the eve of liberation, qianmen cracks have is full of stains or spots, the door at the top of the tower is also in the rain or blown away by the history. now the qianmen is 1985 built according to the song dynasty architectural style. door 8.6 meters high, the tower above 11 meters high, a total of five and nine single eaves jehiel mountain ridge, 24 mingzhu root, and it's all round mosaic ling isolation, overlying yellow glazed tile, eaves stone out of the four three, black ink dot gold coloured drawing or pattern, the forehead fang jinlong flying, from a distance become warped eaves wing, pian-pian wants to fly.
into the purpose of qianmen quickly into the "heaven", is take the confucius "de match heaven and earth" and famous, for dai temple next door, door with built in the emperor song zhenzong and few over two years (ad 1009), the width 5, depth between the three, single eaves jehiel mountain style buildings, inside the original si green dragon, white tiger, rosefinch, xuanwu four stars. on both sides of the original peidian peidian, east as the "three ling hou temple", enshrined in the zhou dynasty about the official tang chen, geyong, tempo, three people. when the emperor song zhenzong dong feng, see three in the worse the man of god, seal for the "three ling hou", then built the temple worship. west as "qiu temple" is enshrined in the tang dynasty "access group, and to serve voluntarily thick raise" the points in du zong frenzy. linked to match went north and south "ringha door" is take "the world belongs to the benevolence" confucius language meaning and, for the third door, dai yuan dynasty to yuan four years (ad 1338) to create. building structure and tianmen is similar, inside the 2nd day of the deaf and dumb god, both sides have something goalkeeper. with doors on the west side of the stone tablet 20, is one of the most famous monuments, broadcasting the information "and" few tablet ", double monuments, majestic tall, confrontation, turtle fell therefore, stately, dai temple existing two big stone tablet.
tianmen "tang huai courtyard" in the southwest, the original "big countable embrace, the shadow of branches mu xu" tang huai, years of the republic of china, fighting bingxian, ancient much, gradually die. in 1952, dai temple host shangshilian again small tree in the withered tree stem a strain, and named "tang huai brussel. this new tree has become a tree, pond castles peeped, and become a big g dai temple.
tang huai east of the old delay jubilee temple temple, the scriptures, ring wing pavilion, made yuhua district monastery where, is destroyed by years of the republic of china. in 1984, a new archaize on tibetan oratory site storage, between 48 in mount taishan in 4000 pieces of precious relics, ancient books of more than 3000 copies.
north ringha through my door is covered days of pines seem to the north, i saw a colorful, resplendent and magnificent basilica stands on the big balcony, this is the main architecture of the dai temple, song day kuang temple. day kuang temple, also called china sun temple, founded in north emperor song zhenzong dazhong few over two years (ad 1009). in a.d. 1008, song, liao in alliance (now in henan puyang), emperor song zhenzong though victory over liao army, but no mood to fight again, but signed a humiliating treaty, known as "the union of alliance" in history. emperor song zhenzong in one's hand in order to pacify the resentment, to consolidate its ruling position, he adopted the deputy prime minister qin-ruo wang engineer zhao book "heaven" scam, leading officials, in the same year october car "gobbledygook" came to mount tai, held a grand thank grace to the gift, and is due to people for day kuang festival every year in june. dai li, zhao expansion under the dai temple, and on the basis of the original mount tai temple, built the day kuang temple.
day kuang house 43.67 meters long, north and south 17.18 meters wide, 22.3 meters high, the width of nine, four deep, double-hipped roof anise, stone fly up, overlying yellow glazed tile, eaves hung between kuang temple "song day" jubian, eight root red mingzhu eaves, with pope fang and stone, and outside groove have become warped weight the three arch, groove inside the temple roof for four after bucket sunk panel, yu is square flat is the ceiling. the entire hall luan lu diego shrugged, diao liang caidong, gold paint walls, dan wall, completed a majestic, although after several dynasty, ancient and remain, with beijing's forbidden city hall of supreme harmony, qufu confucius dacheng hall and three big palatial architecture in ancient china.
into the hall, positive tall statue of "god of mount tai" color is reshaping in 1984, cave is 4.4 meters tall, twelve liu head crown, wearing dagon's robe, handheld, the board, solemn dignified, vivid, may have a sense of "lifelike, be vividly portrayed. "taishan" god is a taoist believe in "god" of a ghost, can dominate the life and death. was dubbed "day king" in the tang dynasty, song dynasty seal for jirensheng ann "day", when the yuan dynasty and dubbed "dongyue days of qi shengren emperor", ming emperor after he began to reign, and he thinks to taishan seal number is god "to blaspheme the ritual without", therefore, get rid of all titles, renamed "the god of mount tai. since then, the status of the dai temple is not i, enjoy "dongyue many" reputation.
statue on both sides of the couplets for precise wu yun book, "the emperor to the earthquake, life in yin". banners is the qing emperor kangxi emperor in 23 years (in 1684 ad in taishan when the topic "town" match day jubian. inside the palace with part of the phenomena of ming and qing era. on the surface of the inside west northeast three "taishan revelation bi back to process diagram" of the song dynasty painted. murals total length of 62 meters, 3.3 meters high, picture by picture god in the mighty mount tai grand scene, when the emperor song zhenzong letter east taishan majesty and imposing manner, the whole mural by a hall door, east is "rev bi figure", depicting the taishan god excursions; west as the "back to the process diagram", depicting the taishan god returned. the whole picture of 697 characters, its appearance and manners are all the same, be auspicious beast mounts, pavilions, mountains and rivers, trees and flowers, etc., of a great, the grand spectacle. picture a saturated flourish is fluent, structure is rigorous, the layout symmetry nature, character looks vivid and lively, clothing line is clear, lifelike and vivid facial expressions, plus the colour and lustre beautiful coordination, give a person with high aesthetic enjoyment.
temple in ancient times, has been damaged by fire and earthquake, murals have also been affected, as you can see from the mural art processing, mural is redrawn later part of the picture, but the whole picture is basically kept the original face of the song dynasty, it is still in the history of chinese mural painting, taoism a picture of a rare art treasures.
days before kuang temple wide large terrace consists of two layers, railing, standing on the big balcony, is suddenly enlightened. there is a royal pavilion, terrace on each side of emperor qianlong visited dai temple in shibei. ming wanli is among big censer casting. cooper under the terrace of the clip in the south, is a small square columns at the end of the pool, commonly known as the "pavilion old pool". the emperor held a ceremony to visit mount tai, god princes is welcome here. pool and around 9 stance is strange taihu jin daan first year (ad 1209) with her mother which is offered by the wang, taian county magistrate wu bit. each stone features, carefully watch the intriguing, a exquisite stone tunnel middle outstanding, called "hula stone". fuso north stone has an independent order under cooper, called "solitary loyal cypress", tang dynasty female emperor wu zetian doubt its folklore also with secretary shi zhong rebellion, then its killed, shi zhong ghosts do not come loose, came to dongyue before the emperor wu zetian out of shape, thereby lone cypress. stones covered her eyes, it is said that the visitors around the hula around the turn three times, then go to touch the other side of the solitary loyal cypress, all to be able to help, is a lot of people. the legend of these rich romance is not credible, but shows the taishan's long history and rich culture, those who write the legend of folk wit, the good and evil of human skillfully in the image of cypress trees, leaves later generations lots of regrets.